Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Spring 2013 Semester Schedule

I can't believe it has been almost 6 months since I blogged. Writing certainly has taken up some of my free time!

Just wanted to post my Spring 2013 schedule. It looks like, as I write this, CIS-125-M02 and CIS-101-M13 are full, but there is plenty of room in the other classes so far!

CIS-101-M09 Computer Concepts & Applications Tuesday, Thursday 11:45AM - 01:00PM
CIS-101-M13 Computer Concepts & Applications Monday, Wednesday 11:45AM - 01:00PM
CIS-107-M01 IT Fundamentals & Applications Monday, Wednesday 10:20AM - 11:35AM
CIS-125-M02 Microcomputer Software I Tuesday, Thursday 10:20AM - 11:35AM
Web Graphics Thursday 07:05PM - 09:35PM
CIS/GD Internship Days/Times To Be Arranged with Employer