Graduation 2007 is in the books.
Every year, I see more and more of my former students graduate, and that makes me proud. There was one student who took a class with me when I was a part-time faculty member in 2001...there was another student who took CIS 101 with me as a learning community while still taking English as a Second Language courses.
If you graduated, take a moment and be proud. As our president said last night, in the United States, only around 35% of people have any form of a college degree. That number rose slightly last evening. I looked through the list of graduates, and counted 58 of you who had at least one class with me at some point.
I took some pictures tonight, and they are available here, if anyone is interested:
Congrats, graduates, and keep in touch...!
List of PCCC Graduates (notice there are three sections: People who finished in Summer 06, Fall 06, and Spring 07).