Monday, November 16, 2009

MMORPGs and Disney's Toontown

MMORPGs (Massively multiplayer online role-playing games) are typically thought of as games that are for adults. For example, I play one called World of Warcraft. However, there are definitely adult themes there that I wouldn't want a child exposed to. Aside from violence, there are plenty of people in the public chat channels that say inappropriate things.

However, a friend of mine pointed out one that is geared towards children. This is a MMORPG created by Disney, and it is called Toontown. Like most MMORPGs, this does include a monthly fee...but it's interesting to see Disney targeting a younger audience with this.


Anonymous said...

What realm are you in, and what's your character's name? Are you in a guild? Are you a warrior, palin, etc? lol

Professor Cameron said...

I am on the Gilneas server. I have an 80 warrior, an 80 death knight, and a 43 paladin at this moment. Just ran Onyxia 25 last evening and didn't embarrass myself with my dps!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your golden lol. Hey, how long did it took you to achieve level 80 for all of your characters? You should join the alleria realm...