Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Be careful what you type......

Another case of "Be Careful What You Type".

This is a little bit of an older story (March, 2006), but still interesting. Walgreens pharmacy apparently has a part of their order taking system for comments (probably intended for, let's say , "Customer wants order picked up after 2 PM Wednesday" or "Please bill secondary insurance").

Well, this customer apparently irked one of the Walgreens pharmacy techs, who typed some things in the comment area.

The woman picked up her order, and imagine her surprise to see this at the end of the medication information page:

"She's really a psycho!!! Do not say her name too loud, never mention her meds by names & try to talk to her when"
(the page cut off here, so you can only imagine what else was there)

I am constantly amazed how this sort of thing catches up with people.