Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Free Government Services: Annual Credit Report

You can request a free copy of your credit report each year.

I'm not talking about one of those ads that require you to sign up for something to get it free - DO NOT USE the "freecreditreport" site - Congress passed a bill a few years back that required this. There are three credit reporting agencies, and all Americans can get one for free from each credit agency each year.

With the rise of things such as identity theft, it is critical to pay attention to your credit report.

When I first got my free credit report I had credit cards open that I didn't even remember - they always had a lot of people giving away t-shirts at Montclair State if you signed up for a credit report, and what did I know?

The information on this site is the same information that people use to determine if you are a good candidate for a loan, and at what rate.

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